
Before we left for Merida, Diony gave Isaac a Christmas gift of three little planes, which he loves (avión!).  Totally by surprise, Santa Claus showed up at Isla Dorada, where he greeted kids and adults alike, then proceeded to take a seat in front of the Christmas tree with his elf and listen to kids' wish lists.  We brought Isaac, but as he got closer to Santa he was quite scared, and once I handed him over to Santa he was in tears.  I gave him to the elf, thinking it would be less scary than Santa but to no avail.  Finally I just held him while Adam took the obligatory picture.

On Christmas, Dad and I went to church, then I made the ham and we opened presents.  Isaac got tons of toys and books from his grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins.  All the adults interchanged a few items, and then I got the big kahuna - an electric piano!  It has a full-size keyword and pedals, and sounds just like an acoustic piano.  It also has other functions for organ, vibraphone, harpischord, and a few others.  It came with a book of classic piano songs, some of which are quite hard, so I'm anxious to get my piano books which are coming with Brian in a few weeks time, when he comes to visit.


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