Not a Baby Anymore

 Isaac has been growing up before our very eyes.  In addition to going up stairs, now he can also go down, which means that he can go down the front stair, take off down the front walk, and disappear around the corner.  He's pretty quick too!

We've broken him of the binky, which he had only been using at night and naptime anyway.  At night it's no problem but sometimes for his naps he won't go down as easily without it.  Diony noticed that the corner of his blanket is wet where he sucks on it as a substitute binky.

We also put away all the bottles and have been giving him only the sippy cup.  He loves the sippy cup for water, but with milk he does this:

VIDEO: Sippy Cup

Usually at some point during the day he wants the milk bad enough and he'll use the cup.  He has at least on one occasion, taken Diony by the hand and led her to the basket where we usually keep all his bottles, then point at the basket.

He completely rejected his Gerbers, now only accepting solid food, preferably finger foods.  He's now tried berries which he loves, cheese which is OK, toast is good, scrambled eggs and beans are sometimes acceptable, and a smoothie was a big hit.  And of course the old standy Cheerios, which makes up about 45% of his diet.

He's gotten very vocal, mostly growling when he's focusing on something, and it can get pretty loud:

VIDEO: Growly Guy

He likes to wedge himself in between the refrigerator and the wall, or into a cabinet, or climb into a drawer, or sneak into a little cubby in the storage room.

Yesterday we got him a soccer ball, and Adam showed off some of his soccer skillz, which made Ike crack up:

VIDEO: Soccer Dude

Isaac loves to dance, and has been trying a lot lately to jump, mainly by crouching down, then standing up fast without actually leaving the floor.  I haven't been able yet to get a video of it.

In other news, it's been raining a lot here, and the house has been holding up well, no leaks or flooding as of yet.  I got a new dress made, which I designed myself.

We're eagerly awaiting the visit of Margie and Brian, who are arriving on Tuesday.  The guys are going diving in Cozumel, then we'll all meet up at Paradisus Playa del Carmen for the weekend - college football kickoff!


  • Not a Baby Anymore
  • Not a Baby Anymore
  • Not a Baby Anymore
  • Not a Baby Anymore
  • Not a Baby Anymore
  • Not a Baby Anymore
  • Not a Baby Anymore
  • Not a Baby Anymore
  • Not a Baby Anymore
  • Not a Baby Anymore
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