Yesterday we had another non-stress test at the doctor's office. This time I had a normal breakfast supplemented with half a frosted carrot cake muffin, and topped off with a juice box of oj right before we went in to the appointment. If the little guy didn't move after all that sugar, then something really is wrong! Luckily he was kicking around quite a bit during the test, despite the fact that he's normally not much of a morning baby. The doctor was pleased with the results (also he was just back from vacation and I think we were his very first patients). We have another appointment in a week, if the baby decides to wait around that long. At the next appointment we'll do yet another non-stress test, as well as an ultrasound.
We also have an appointment tomorrow to meet the pediatrician who will be attending the birth. We want to make known our preferences during the birth, and also we have some questions about vaccines, which are different here in Mexico than they are in the US.
Besides cooking and freezing as much food as possible and just plain relaxing, I'm also getting all the last minute baby stuff set up in the house. Our new house has only two bedrooms, so we don't have a nursery per se. The baby's stuff is set up on one side of our room, which makes me kind of sad. However I've come to realize that the formal nursery is really more for the parents, since a newborn couldn't care less if he has his own fully decorated room or not. In the photo below you can see our changing table (which used to be Adam's dining room table, topped by a pad and changing cover made by Grandma Kathy), our formidable diaper supply, the brand-new Diaper Genie, the bathtub and bath supplies given to us by Lucy, and the Rock N Play infant sleeper. Under the table are bins with baby clothes and blankets, and in the background are two boxes with older baby clothes and toys, as well as our pre-packed hospital overnight bag. We also have a playpen and the stroller, which are being kept downstairs for the time being.

A few weeks ago we had some professional photos done when my mom was here. Here are a few of my favorites